To promote safe sex, Minuit Tendre offers you the opportunity to try all its protections individually in order to make an informed choice. When you have found the product that suits you, you can pay according to your budget for your protections. The lowest price is the one we ourselves pay to our suppliers. Every purchase we make a profit on helps us serve the community with affordable prices.
FC2 internal protection is a sleeve that can be inserted in the vagina up to eight hours before intercourse. It allows people with a vagina to be in full control of protection during sex.
Silicone lubricated
Protects against STIs and pregnancy
FC2 warms to body temperature to make intercourse pleasurable and make it feel natural
Can be inserted in the vagina up to eight hours before intercourse
Compatible with oil, water and silicone-based lubes
FC2 has an inner ring and an outer ring. The inner ring is used to insert FC2 into the vagina and hold it in place during intercourse. The outer ring remains outside the vagina.